Mair Lake

This is one of the most beautiful pristine lakes in our program with amazing scenery with water that is absolutely stunning, with its hint of clear blue-green color! This lake offers amazing swimming and is home to 12 campsites. 11 out of the 12 campsites are sporadically situated along the outskirts of the lake. It offers 1 vehicle access campsite (aka drive-in site) that is fairly large in size. Due to the terrain of the road, we do not recommend bringing a travel trailer to this site. The road leading to the lake is a gravel road and is well maintained by park staff, however, we cannot control mother nature and when we get heavy rains it can cause a rough road. We do recommend a vehicle with clearance and/or one with four wheel drive.

Fishing at Mair Lake – Here you will find Rainbow Trout and Yellow Perch.

Please note: Road Access Permits are required for Mair Lake.


Boat Launch: 3787 Arcol Road

Head west on Road 506 and continue onto Road 509. Make a left turn onto Canonto Road and follow this to Arcol Road and turn left.