Exploring Nature

North Frontenac Parklands offer some of the most breath-taking and diverse scenery in the Canadian Shield.

The area is a distinct natural region with a diversity of soils,  forest types,  site conditions, fish and wildlife habitats and landforms. The Township of North Frontenac includes two of only five Areas of Natural and Scientific Interest (ANSI) found in the Madawaska Highlands. One of these, the Schooner-Fortune Lake ANSI is within the North Frontenac Parklands.

From any of the 184 backcountry campsites sprinkled around 11 crystal-clear lakes, you can enjoy peaceful, undisturbed landscapes, observe a wide variety of wildlife and walk on the planet’s oldest exposed rock and soil.

Our trail systems will lead you to many unique natural attractions from rare plants to a proliferation of mammals and birds. From leisurely strolls to challenging all-day backpacking, there is something for everyone.

Nature lovers, birdwatchers, amateur photographers, naturalists and students of the environment alike will revel in the beauty of uncontaminated biodiversity, unspoiled natural habitats and the most stunning example of Pre-Cambrian geological features imaginable.