
All use of North Frontenac Parklands Campsites (between May 1st and October 31st) and Crown Roads (between April 1st and November 15th) are subject to purchasing the appropriate permit. All fees include HST.

Camping Permits

 Individual Site Permit (max. 6 people): $25.00/day

Each camping permit includes the required road access permit, for one vehicle, for the duration of permit dates (additional road access permits are required for more than one vehicle per campsite).

NON PROFIT GROUPS – contact municipal office to see if you are eligible for a reduced rate for camping ($17.50 per night).

Road Access Permits

Daily Road Permit:$9.50
Weekly Road Permit:$22.50
Seasonal Road Permit:$45

Use of Crown roads (whether or not for the purpose of visiting the North Frontenac Parklands) requires a road access permit for all vehicles. Day Use Road Permits are available for visitors to enjoy the North Frontenac Parklands for just a day (NO overnight camping).

Whether you are looking for a Daily, Weekly and/or Seasonal Road Access Permit, they are available to purchase on-line, at the Municipal Office (only during open hours), and at participating local businesses. Please ‘click here’ for a map indicating what roads require a Road Access Permit.

Residents of the Township of North Frontenac must purchase their road permits directly from the North Frontenac Township office in order to receive a reduced rate.